27.7 F
Thursday, January 2, 2025

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many local nonprofit organizations were forced to cancel their annual fundraising events. The organizations rely heavily on these events to support their cause and budget. While some were fortunate to be able to move to a virtual experience, many could not. Our nonprofit organizations are also struggling due to an overall decrease in giving. With the directory we’ve compiled below, you can find ways to donate to local nonprofits that need it the most during this uncertain time.

The Salvation Army

Social Enrichment
Phone: (419) 422-8238 Website: https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/

Biographical Info

The Salvation Army is dedicated to serving humanity without discrimination.  We can offer food to those in need through our food pantry and soup kitchen and are sometimes able to assist with other needs.  We usually have social and enrichment programs for children and adults, but the Covid-19 pandemic has caused us to cease these. Due to cancellation of fundraisers and social distancing recommendations we are concerned about our Christmas season and how we will be able to help those in need in the upcoming holiday season. It’s only May but Christmas comes fast at The Salvation Army. Life can be stressful especially for those in need and we at The Salvation Army would like to make it a little less so.

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